Bilberry Hugo Theme v4 Released!

The long-awaited v4 of the Bilberry Hugo theme that has been in the works for the last six months is finally released. The new release is a major version containing a few breaking changes and other essential improvements. In this post, I shed more light on v4 features and how they were implemented.

So, why v4? What was the raison d’être of developing a new major version? With the v3 and previous versions, the main complaint from the users was that the theme customization, namely applying custom colors and fonts, was rather inconvenient and cumbersome. It was caused by the fact that the theme’s CSS and JavaScript assets management was initially implemented using npm and Laravel Mix, a Webpack wrapper.

To generate the theme’s custom CSS and JavaScript artifacts, you had to execute an npm command in your local development environment and then commit the generated assets to override the ones provided by the theme. Worse, besides the above, you had to manage your own theme’s fork when importing theme files as a Hugo module.

The solution to this customization hindrance was switching to Hugo’s built-in asset processing, Hugo Pipes, and that became the main reason for developing the v4. With Hugo Pipes, the asset processing is defined in v4/layouts/partials/css.html and v4/layouts/partials/js.html templates, which use artifacts from v4/assets/sass and v4/assets/js directories, respectively. The third-party dependencies in the above directories are still managed using npm and listed in the devDependencies block of the package.json file.

Previously, color and font customizations were handled directly in the assets/sass/_variables.scss file. In v4, the _variables.scss file no longer exists and such customizations are managed in your site’s config.toml file by defining corresponding parameters from the assets/sass/theme.scss file, for example, baseColor, headlineFont etc.

Also, in v4, along with the migration to Hugo Pipes, the following new features and improvements were implemented:

  • Menu items management in the top navigation is no longer done using a custom approach; it was aligned with Hugo’s menu standards.
  • The highlight.js third-party library was replaced with Hugo’s built-in code syntax highlighting.
  • The Font Awesome icons set was upgraded from v5 to v6.
  • The Magnific Popup plugin that provided a lightbox for displaying larger images was replaced with the DimBox plugin.
  • A scroll back to the top button.

Respectively, the README guide was updated because of all these changes, and some sections were thoroughly rewritten. Also, a migration guide was added to facilitate a smooth transition of existing websites from v3 to v4.

I hope that with this new major release, current and future users of the Bilberry Hugo theme will enjoy using it and stay happy and satisfied.

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